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Cloud Solutions

DevOps – a software development practice that increases an organization’s ability to deploy cloud-based products and services – allows you to serve your customers better and remain competitive. By combining cultural philosophies, practices, and tools in a DevOps model, the silos between your development and operations teams disappear. At the same time, your company becomes more efficient.

Time cycles for delivering cloud-based products and services have gotten increasingly shorter. In addition, there’s a constant challenge to adapt to real-time changes. 

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Cloud Solutions

DevOps – a software development practice that increases an organization’s ability to deploy cloud-based products and services – allows you to serve your customers better and remain competitive. By combining cultural philosophies, practices, and tools in a DevOps model, the silos between your development and operations teams disappear. At the same time, your company becomes more efficient.

Time cycles for delivering cloud-based products and services have gotten increasingly shorter. In addition, there’s a constant challenge to adapt to real-time changes. 

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A speedy time to market, high visibility, and progressive growth are key to your application’s delivery. At Golabs, our DevOps Engineers manage everything involved in a DevOps framework, including infrastructure support, continuous integration and deployment, server and product maintenance, release management, and automation.

Cloud computing

Shorter Development Timeframes
Easier Access to Scalable Hardware Resources
Continuously Changing Application Stacks
Efficient, Agile, and Dependable
Improved Collaboration
Positive User Experiences
Constant Iterations, Monitoring, and Testing
Supportive of Ongoing Improvement and Innovation for Cloud Applications
Compliant with Security Best Practices
Ability to Scale

Cloud computing

Shorter Development Timeframes
Easier Access to Scalable Hardware Resources
Continuously Changing Application Stacks
Efficient, Agile, and Dependable
Improved Collaboration
Positive User Experiences
Constant Iterations, Monitoring, and Testing
Supportive of Ongoing Improvement and Innovation for Cloud Applications
Compliant with Security Best Practices
Ability to Scale

DevOps cloud

By working with the three largest cloud providers available, we seamlessly deliver top-notch cloud computing services, including networking, computing, and storage.

Amazon Web Service (AWS)

As the first of its kind, AWS offers the most significant number of regions and availability zones. Through its paid subscription basis, the on-demand computing service provides 200+ services upon running. AWS is friendly with the open-source model and allows users to integrate services easily.

Microsoft Azure

Because of its straightforward integration with open-source and on-premise systems, Azure Cloud is a popular option for organizations relying heavily on MS tools. Open to hybrid cloud systems, Microsoft Azure offers a more profound knowledge of enterprise requirements.

Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

GCP has the best pricing and discount models and offers identical cloud computing services to those used to run Google products. GCP specializes in high-compute offerings such as machine learning and boasts an outstanding reputation in the open-source community.



(Software as a Service)

This software licensing and delivery model helps users create accounts and access applications online. As a result, our SaaS applications remove operational inefficiencies and develop seamless workflows.



(Infrastructure as a Service)

Receive on-demand access to your high-performance and scalable computing resources. Adapt them to meet your needs at any point, and only ever pay for what you actually use.



(Platform as a Service) 

Gain access to a platform that allows you to seamlessly create apps, perform web development, or maintain web applications directly. Receive the necessary IT infrastructure and appropriate runtime or development environment.



(Function as a Service)

Spend time focusing on the functionality of an application rather than managing its complex infrastructure and maintenance. With its emphasis on responding to events, this service provides the freedom to create modular back-end code efficiently.



(Infrastructure as Code)

Replace traditional manual operations with machine-readable definition files when managing and provisioning computer data centers. By defining the infrastructure using code, you’ll start building and managing infrastructure more efficiently.



(Database as a Service)

Easily access and use your database management system via the cloud. Reduce the complexity and cost of managing your database software and concentrate resources on more strategic initiatives.



(Software as a Service)

This software licensing and delivery model helps users create accounts and access applications online. As a result, our SaaS applications remove operational inefficiencies and develop seamless workflows.



(Infrastructure as a Service)

Receive on-demand access to your high-performance and scalable computing resources. Adapt them to meet your needs at any point, and only ever pay for what you actually use.



(Platform as a Service) 

Gain access to a platform that allows you to seamlessly create apps, perform web development, or maintain web applications directly. Receive the necessary IT infrastructure and appropriate runtime or development environment.



(Function as a Service)

Spend time focusing on the functionality of an application rather than managing its complex infrastructure and maintenance. With its emphasis on responding to events, this service provides the freedom to create modular back-end code efficiently.



(Infrastructure as Code)

Replace traditional manual operations with machine-readable definition files when managing and provisioning computer data centers. By defining the infrastructure using code, you’ll start building and managing infrastructure more efficiently.



(Database as a Service)

Easily access and use your database management system via the cloud. Reduce the complexity and cost of managing your database software and concentrate resources on more strategic initiatives.

Let's meet and talk

We're here to help you accomplish your projects. Ask us anything, or schedule a call.

Let's meet and talk

We're here to help you accomplish your projects. Ask us anything, or schedule a call.